jeudi 30 septembre 2010

Alerte Google - search engine optimization

Actualités1 nouveau résultat pour search engine optimization
SEO : Les bonnes pratiques pour un bon référencement
Pour la plupard des sites internet, Google est devenu incontournable pour être visible sur le web français. En pratique, il faut être dans les 3 premiers ...
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Blogs5 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
SEO : télécharger le guide officiel du référencement de Google
par Eric
Si vous voulez approfondir vos connaissances en SEO (Search Engine Optimization) et en référencement, ou si vous débutez dans cet art passionnant et parfois un peu mystérieux, rien de tel que de prendre ses infos à la source des sources ...
Presse-Citron -
[Guide Google] Mise à jour du guide SEO pour débutant « Pierre Rouarch
par actu
16 réponses dans "Le guide du SEO par Laurent Bourrelly" ... Vous indiquer une mise à jour qui est prévue pour le courant de l'année 2010, ... <acronym title=""> <b > <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> . ...
Pierre Rouarch -
Le Livre Blanc officiel du référencement SEO Google | Vincent Gache
par admin
Description et analyse du livre blanc officiel à propos du référencement chez Google par Google.
Vincent Gache -
Guide référencement Google | tutoriels SEO Google | TuXwin ...
par Pierre
SEO Search engine optimization | Guide de référencement Google pour les novices, Google explique comment être bien référencés sur son moteur de recherche.
TuXwin Magazine Actualités et... -
SEO : télécharger le guide officiel du référencement - Twitter ...
par pressecitron
SEO : télécharger le guide officiel du référencement de Google - Pressecitron (Eric) Twitter conversation.
Pressecitron (Eric) Twitter conversat... -

Web2 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
Google met à jour son guide SEO (référencement) - Buzz - High-tech ...
Retrouvez sur cette page toutes les informations, articles, billets, tendances, avis et contenus multimédias sur le buzz : Google met à jour son guide SEO ...
Conseils web marketing sites - all conseils web marketing of the web
Internet Marketing, SEO, SEM & Social Media Marketing from Webbed Marketing ... Search engine optimization (SEO) services and web marketing consultations. ...

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mercredi 29 septembre 2010

Alerte Google - search engine optimization

Actualités1 nouveau résultat pour search engine optimization
Guide SEO pour débutant de Google mis à jour
Le premier guide SEO de Google, pour débutant, a été publié il ya 2 ans. A ce moment là, notre ami Arnaud avait proposé une traduction et depuis, ...
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Blogs5 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
[Guide Google] Mise à jour du guide SEO pour débutant
par florentM
Il ya deux ans de ça, nous avons publié notre premier guide SEO pour débutant, que nous avons depuis traduit en 40 langues. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes très.
Goopilation -
» Mise à jour du guide Google SEO pour débutant - News & Actualité ...
par s2m
Mise à jour du guide Google SEO pour débutant - Veille Secrets2Moteurs : actualités du monde du référencement naturel et des moteurs de recherche, en passant par les liens sponsorisés, l'internet mobile et le Web 2.0.
Secrets2Moteurs : Veille Référencem... -
SEO | RÉFÉRENCEMENT | QUÉBEC | Ultimatum Media | Référencement ...
par actu
Blog SEO, Graphisme, eCommerce de Mickaël B. avec un K SEO/Référencement. Vous retrouverez sur le blog de nombreuses ressources ou en .... Ce blog est le blog de Mickaël B. c'est à la fois un blog seo, un blog . ...
Pierre Rouarch -
Google met à jour son guide SEO (référencement)
par Vincent Abry
Google vient de mettre à jour son SEO Starter Guide de 2008 (22 pages) avec un nouveau manuel de 32 pages téléchargeable ici. (version US, la version Fr. -
Google met à jour son Guide SEO
par Benjamin
Cella fait maintenant 2 ans que Google avait publié le premier guide SEO, Google vient d'annoncer une mise à jour sur ce guide. Télécharger le.
Vendeesign -

Web4 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
YouTube - Stratégie web (SEO, SEM) étude de cas Role Model par ...
Dans le cadre de la maitrise en commerce électronique UDEM HEC 2010, une étude cas Role Model planification stratégique : évaluation du site, ...
RT @Mar1e: RT @seinsights: SEO : Connaitre les | SEInsights ...
Commentaire posté sur SEO : Connaitre les ingrédients d'une recette ne fait pas de ... Schéma d'une méthodologie SEO classique Vous trouverez de nombreux ...
Mise à jour du guide SEO de Google | Le blog de Zone-Internet
Google a mis à jour son guide SEO, 2 ans après sa première publication. Pour rappel ce guide SEO donne tous les conseils pour réussir à bien.
Comment savoir si un site est pénalisé en SEO par Google ?
Bonjour J'ai constaté un souci sur un site, et de ce fait, je me suis renseigné pour savoir si celui-ci n'était pas pénalisé. Je n'arrive ...

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Alerte Google - webtraffic

Blogs1 nouveau résultat pour webtraffic
Active WebTraffic 9.0.5 | Free Software Downloads
par aram
Free Software Downloads: Active WebTraffic 9.0.5,Visit my blog to download new freeware and shareware softwares for full and free.
Free Software Downloads -

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mardi 28 septembre 2010

Alerte Google - search engine optimization

Blogs5 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
» SEO, création et contenu pour les pressés - News & Actualité sur S2M
par s2m
SEO, création et contenu pour les pressés - Veille Secrets2Moteurs : actualités du monde du référencement naturel et des moteurs de recherche, en passant par les liens sponsorisés, l'internet mobile et le Web 2.0.
Secrets2Moteurs : Veille Référencem... -
par Ultimatum Media
Vous pouvez en savoir beaucoup plus long sur les sujets du SEO et du marketing d'articles. Pour obtenir plus d'information, je vous propose d'accéder à mon site Web au moyen du lien se trouvant dans ma biographie d'auteur ci-dessous. ...
H-F Chargé de Référencement – SEO | Recruteo
par Zeina Alliances
Recruteo, L'emploi des professionnels d'internet : HF Chargé de Référencement – SEO HF Chargé de Référencement – SEO.
Recruteo -
SeeURank Falcon : que faut-il en attendre ? | CAFE REFERENCEMENT
par Virginie Clève
Yooda a présenté en avant-première au salon eCommerce 2010 la nouvelle version de son outil d'audit et de reporting référencement. Refonte ergonomique et graphique, ajout de nouvelles fonctionnalités, liaison Google Webmaster Tools et ...
Les facteurs qui influencent votre referencement | Just Search SEO ...
par Christophe
Aujourd'hui, tous les acteurs du E-commerce cherchent à améliorer sans cesse leur référencement, qu'il soit payant ou naturel. Mais ces différentes actions.
Just Search SEO blog -

Web4 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
Stage SEO / Webmarketing &#8211; Oseox (Blog) « Pierre Rouarch
Pour ce stage, basé à Paris (XI°) vous intègrerez le pôle Internet et assisterez le responsable SEO Webmarketing dans la stratégie de référencement des … ...
CAP Marketer - Plugins SEO
If you use the popular web browser Firefox and are interested in building up your freelancing business by using search engine optimization techniques, ...
Consulting proposals sites - all consulting proposals of the web
SEO Consultants Directory - SEO and Search Engine Marketing Consultants ... SEO Consultants Directory: Search Engine Optimization Professionals Organization ...
Referencement-and-seo-search-engine-optimization-buzz-et - Posts ...
Comme les chasseurs, il y a le bon SEO et le mauvais SEO. Le bon SEO, il optimise. Le mauvais SEO, il optimise, mais c'est un mauvais SEO (et il se retrouve ...

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lundi 27 septembre 2010

Alerte Google - search engine optimization

Blogs5 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
SEO : Connaitre les ingrédients d'une recette ne fait pas de vous ...
par admin
Plus les jours passent, plus je suis confronté à des 'experts' SEO auto-proclamés pour qui le simple fait de mettre un mot clé (ou plus précisément, leur conception d'un mot clé) dans le titre est suffisant. Certes, certains d'entre eux ...
eMarketing, SEO, SEM, PPC | SEInsight... -
Blogs Revue N° 72 - Seo, social, local, sans-contact et lap...suce ...
Pour bien débuter cette semaine, voici une sélection de billets qui ont attiré mon attention ces derniers jours sur la blogosphère :- SEO rapido, Pink Seo- Pepsi Refresh Project: plus de votants q… Hébergé par OverBlog.
Marketing et Technologies, Blog... -
SEO pour WordPress : 4 limites de l'extension All in One SEO
par Adrien O'Leary
Un plugin comme All in One SEO est indispensable pour personnaliser un élément comme la description de vos pages. Il comporte néanmoins au mois 4 faiblesses.
A.O'Leary @ B-Unique -
Les bonnes pratiques du Spam Commentaire
par 512banque
Je trouve ton site intéressant je le bookmark bonne continuation mec, et pas mal ton site de web agency c'est accrocheur mais ya des défauts en seo visible (remarque sur mes deux site de web agency y en a plein et je les corrige pas ^^) ...
Blog référencement | SEO Black Hat -
SEO Nul: Les éléments qui composent l'algorythme de Google
par achille52
Connaitre profondément le Hiltop et le Topic Sensitive PageRank ne sont pas nécessaires dans le SEO, mais cela sert à prévoir des échecs possibles dans son référencement. Le Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) - Cet algorythme permet à une ...
SEO Nul -

Web1 nouveau résultat pour search engine optimization
Dailymotion - free internet search engine optimization - MPS AUTO ...

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Alerte Google - webtraffic

Web1 nouveau résultat pour webtraffic
web traffic and seo tools
Supprimer cette alerte. Créer une autre alerte. Gérer vos alertes. Publié par web traffic and seo tools à l'adresse 14:12 0 commentaires ...

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dimanche 26 septembre 2010

Alerte Google - search engine optimization

Blogs5 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
Référencement and seo search engine optimization | Jeux Video ...
par actu
Social Media Optimization (SMO) or Social SEO is the methodization of social media ... (b) Promotional activities in social media aside from the content being promoted, ... Social media optimization is related to search engine marketing ...
Pierre Rouarch -
Liens utiles pour la conception rapide, le SEO à toute allure et l ...
par Marie
Listes d'articles et de checklist pour vous permettre de faire du référencement rapidement, de créer des sites à toute allure et rédiger des articles à haute vitesse.
Pink Seo - Another SEO blog -
À quoi servent les balises META ? – Alsacréations | Ispey Seo Expert
par Patricia Tuley
Nous avons la réponse: les balises META c'est utile quand c'est utile; et quand c'est pas utile… eh bien c'est inutile. Vous l'aurez compris: ça dépend. Mais pour ne pas vous laisser avec cette simple vérité — et jolie tautologie — ...
Ispey Seo Expert -
Assistance informatique à domicile Paris IDF: Référencement ...
Référencement, optimisation page web, SEO, outils Google, efficacité moteurs de recherche · Référencement, optimisation page web, SEO, outils Google, efficacité moteurs de recherche: "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google" ...
Assistance informatique à domicile... -
30 réflexes conditionnés du référenceur - Ergonomie | E-humeurs
par Eko
Et oui, nous sommes tous les mêmes. Nous nous reconnaissons tous dans cette tribu de SEO qui a des chevilles plus ou moins grosses et un égo plus ou moins.
E-humeurs -

Web1 nouveau résultat pour search engine optimization
Arobasenet SEO | Facebook
Referencement : comprendre le SEO La première chose à faire lorsqu'on se lance ... Le SEO est l'utilisation de techniques d'optimisation en vue d'améliorer ...

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samedi 25 septembre 2010

Alerte Google - search engine optimization

Blogs5 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
Référencement and seo search engine optimization | Jeux Video ...
par Clegane
Découvrez enfin quelles sont les deux meilleures techniques de référencement.
Jeux Video, Actualite et Culture... -
Expert technique Endeca MDEX, Pagebuilder et SEO #20100908 pour ...
Emplois informatique recherche des consultants en informatique pour combler plusieurs postes à Québec et Montréal. Des salaires hautements compétitifs et des conditions de travail idéales. -
Faut-il établir des échanges de liens avec ses concurrents ...
par masterseo
Restés informés. Les news Seo et Marketing sur votre email ... Blogs Seo à connaître. Himselfprod (Blog Seo). Seo ! Do you speak english ? Blog de Matt Cutts · Search Engine Land · Top Rank Blog ...
Quelques erreurs à éviter dans les programmes d'affiliation ...
par Me
affiliation seo erreurs. Quelques erreurs à éviter dans les programmes d'affiliation. L'affiliation est aujourd'hui l'une des méthodes les plus courantes, efficaces de gagner un revenu provenant de la vente en ligne. ...
Agence Emailing Maroc - Blog Référencement Maroc SEO
par Youssef
Services Emailing Maroc : Services emailing et stratégie de vos futures campagnes d'e mailing au Maroc.
Blog Référencement Maroc SEO -

Web4 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
5 choses à éviter dans Search Engine Optimization
Lorsque la plupart des nouveaux webmasters commencer à construire leurs pages Web, ils ne donnent pas beaucoup d'une pensée à Search Engine Optimization. ...
Marketing en ligne - Wikio Sources
Le SEO (Search Engine Optimization) fait partie du SEM (Search Engine Marketing) 1. Pourquoi le SEO est-il si nécessaire? Le SEO consiste en l'analyse et la ...
Joomla! • View topic - Probleme avec Search Engine Friendly URLs
J'ai une problème avec Search Engine Friendly URLs quand je l'active et Lorsque je ... Default Template: JA Purity, Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! ...;p=2269090
Cnops consultation des dossiers maladies sites - all cnops ...
SEO Consultants Directory - SEO and Search Engine Marketing Consultants ... SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Website Optimisation Company - SEO Consult ...

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vendredi 24 septembre 2010

Alerte Google - search engine optimization

Blogs5 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
GOOGLE | RSS | SEO | Ultimatum Media
par ultimatummedia
Using search engine optimization for one-way link building is the most important factor for getting a high keyword ranking. Because search engines list their.
Ultimatum Media -
Stage SEO / Webmarketing &#8211; Oseox (Blog) « Pierre Rouarch
par actu
Stage SEO / Webmarketing Oseox (Blog) Pour ce stage, basé à Paris (XI°) vous intègrerez le pôle Internet et assisterez le responsable SEO Webmarketing dans la stratégie de référencement des … ...
Pierre Rouarch -
Stagiaire SEO | Recruteo
par tdomf_5b734
Recruteo, L'emploi des professionnels d'internet : Stagiaire SEO Stagiaire SEO.
Recruteo -
Le SEO (référencement) de réputation: l'avenir? « Reputation Squad
par Alberic
Les professionnels de tout rang ont compris il y a seulement quelques années l'intérêt du SEO (référencement naturel): ils savent maintenant que pour générer plus de trafic, plus de ventes et plus de chiffre d'affaires, ...
Reputation Squad -
Google Instant - Implications pour le SEO et marketing Internet
par admin
Bien sûr, je sais que cela soit la fonction réelle de Google, mais si vous êtes un agent de commercialisation de la recherche à temps plein moteur, votre point de vue est solidement alignée à tous les éléments SEO - classement des mots ...
Diablo 2m Naruto shippuden mosalsal -

Web2 nouveaux résultats pour search engine optimization
Dailymotion - google search engine optimization tools - MPS AUTO ...
INCREASE SEARCH ENGINE RANKING AND VISIBILITY OF YOUR SITE MPS AUTO WEBSITE SUBMITTER 2.4 ... google website seo tools submissions software rapidshare ...
Under Armour seeks a Manager, Search Engine Optimization (SEO ...
On embauche ! Consultez Under Armour seeks a Manager, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) la proposition de poste à Under Armour dans Baltimore, ...;jobId=1089999

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9/24 Search Engine Optimization Journal - SEO Journal

    Search Engine Optimization Journal - SEO Journal    
Why Do I Pay For SEO?
September 24, 2010 at 7:00 AM

Search engine optimization is not something you can teach yourself in one weekend. It takes time, practice and experience to understand how to do it correctly. Sure there are lots of articles and lists of what you should be doing and what you shouldn't but until you actually go through the motions and learn from your mistakes chances are you will miss opportunities in certain efforts.

SEO tasks such as, keyword research for instance aren’t as straightforward as one might think. If doing this on your own, are you 100% sure you got all your keywords for your industry? Did you use the right keyword research tool? When you pay a professional SEO person to handle your search marketing you can feel comfortable that the right tools are being used and all the research is being conducted correctly. I have seen clients tell me they will conduct the keyword research and I get an email a week later that has a list of ten of the broadest keywords possible for that particular industry. Now, if I let that go their SEO would go absolutely no where. After we conducted keyword research that list expanded out a great deal more allowing that particular client to have a much more robust search marketing approach.

Not all SEO people are out there just to take your money. We understand that it is a very strange industry filled with lots of intangible efforts. It is kind of like purchasing car insurance. Nobody really enjoys purchasing car insurance but they do anyways. When you start making it to the offsite optimization do you really feel comfortable guessing on how to put a link building campaign together? How do you know if your efforts are truly working? The research and the years of experience is what you pay for. Search engine optimization is combination of marketing and technical elements that have to be mixed in together precisely. The preciseness is what you pay for when you purchase SEO services and efforts from a reputable SEO company or freelancer. Can you really afford to sit around and hope you are doing your SEO correctly for yourself? What if you spend months and months and realize you started the whole process wrong because you failed to optimize your website correctly? If you are unsure try having an SEO professional start the process and then at least take a training course before you try to attempt to do it yourself.

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9/24 SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

    SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog    
Video SEO Basics - Whiteboard Friday
September 23, 2010 at 11:15 PM

Posted by Aaron Wheeler

Video SEO isn't something we always think about when optimizing, but we really should. In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Danny Dover reviews some of the video SEO basics that every SEO should know about. After all, it's a largely untapped market, unlike the Canadian maple tree market. Which is very tapped. (The Canadian maple tree video market, however, is quite untapped, but based on my scientific and extremely boring research in YouTube, I don't recommend you pursue that market at all).

Anyways, we have a very special visitor this week, what with all of Danny's meta discussions this month. Great Scott! That's what happens when you get all meta and self-referential on us, Danny.

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Video Transcription

Hello, everybody. My name is Danny Dover. I work here at SEOmoz doing SEO. For today's Whiteboard Friday we're going to be talking about video SEO. Now, last week I mentioned that was the most meta video we'd ever done. It was optimizing SEO resources, right? Now, this one is a video on video SEO. So this one, this one is the new champion of the most meta video that we have ever done here, and possibly the most meta video that you have ever seen. If there is some kind of disruption in the space-time continuum, totally my fault. I apologize.

--1.21 Gigawatts!?!--

That was unexpected. That was Doc from Back to the Future. A poor impression of it. Totally derailing my Whiteboard Friday. You're killing me.

All right. Now, video SEO, huge opportunity here. This is more of a serious thing. Video SEO has low competition. You see in the universal results that video thumbnails show up about a third of the way from the top, right. You're seeing little thumbnails. A lot of times it's YouTube, but you also see Vimeo and lots of other video providers showing up. You are seeing those in lots and lots of SERPs, and increasing so actually. There is a huge demand from people because, you know, Google is doing A/B testing or multivariate testing. They're seeing people are clicking on those. But, at the same time, you'll have low competition. You'll see a lot of times for very high competition keywords that have video results that the video results will just be kind of mediocre. They just kind of showed up there. Part of that is because it is new. Not a lot of people are optimizing for video, which is becoming extremely important. So, a lot of opportunity there.

The other part of this, I guess I can only talk for the United States, where I live, but the way that people are starting to consume media is changing drastically. We've all seen YouTube. We've all seen Vimeo. Now the devices people are using and the places they are watching video are different. You have things like the iPhone, the iPad, and the iPayWayTooMuchForGadgets and I am an Apple fanboy, kind of thing. You're seeing these all over the place. There is the Android model, the operating system that is running lots and lots of things. system. You're seeing the way that people are consuming media very differently. The market is growing. Based on that, the demand is high but the competition is really low. Lots of opportunity. This smells like money to me. This is huge. This is a big deal.

How do you take advantage of this? Well, there are different metrics the search engines use to look at video content. When the search engines crawl normal content, they can get some kind of idea of what text is trying to say by using their natural language processing algorithms. They can get some idea of what this text says just simply because they put so much time and so much energy into developing these algorithms to get some kind of semantic feeling for what text means. Now, this doesn't translate directly into video because, part of the reason at least, is video is much bigger files. It takes a lot more processing to get an understanding of it. It is a lot more zeros and ones. With these Google and the search engines have provided Meta information that you can do about a video.

The two most important ones here are the title of the video -- what do you title your video. That's probably what people are going to search for, right. If it is the shoes video on YouTube or whatever it may be on YouTube. Those are a lot of times what people are searching for. That information turns out to be very important for video SEO.

Likewise, the description is also very important because it gives you more than whatever may be the character limit, probably around 140, I would guess for the title. But it gives you more text to describe it in more depth. This helps the search engines understand the video without having to go through all the intensive video processing.

Now, as video SEO is maturing, we're starting to see more and more metrics start to affect the algorithm. So, let me be totally straightforward with this. This is just my speculation. I have not done tests on these ones. But they seem very likely to be impacting the video search results. My guess would be that they'll be more impactful going forward. So, they are something to start paying attention to now.

The first one I see here is engagement stats. The most obvious one here is views. How many times is a video viewed? I know that when I go to YouTube and I search for something, after I look at the text, the title and the description, I then look at the views. Has this been watched 30 times or has it been watched 10 million times? It seems very, very likely to me that click-through rates are going to correlate with high view rates also. So, I think views are becoming increasingly important and are something that you should keep an eye on.

Number two is ratings. So, on YouTube they offer a five-point scale. On things like Vimeo and other things, they use a thumb up and a thumb down. That's more similar to the Reddit system. These are actual humans who are giving their opinions and their expertise on video content. This is very helpful because search engines are designed to provide results for humans. Any imput you can get from humans is helpful for getting output for humans. This is something that Google figured out very early and is something that is very important.

Number three, comments. What could be more human than commenting on videos? In YouTube's case, it is some of the lowest thresholds of intelligence we've ever seen on the Internet, which is really saying something. You have floor chant, below that you have YouTube comments. It is kind of rough, right. But this is a metric of actual human beings engaging with content and with the author or producer of the video. This seems like a very important metric to me. I don't think it is the content of the comments, because they are awful. But I think it is the volume of it and the kind of themes that people are talking about. Are they saying, "this is awesome" or "this sucks?" I think that does have some kind of impact on it.

The last one is social metrics. Really, I think this is universal. It is not just the video vertical; I think it is the other verticals as well. By social metrics, I mean things like the amount of tweets or what people are saying in tweets, Delicious popular saves, or submissions to Reddit or Digg or any of those other things. How are people talking about this with their friends? So, you have things like the QDF algorithm, which is Google's Query Deserves Freshness algorithm. What this does is it will artificially inflate the ability for something to rank based on temporal metrics. So, if lots and lots of people are linking to something or tweeting about it, then it can artificially rank higher than things that normally wouldn't just because it is very important. You see this a lot of times with natural disasters. Things will just rise to the top when normally they wouldn't. Michael Jackson stuff. We saw lots and lots of QDF stuff really blowing, making things rank when normally there was no way they would. This is something to keep in mind also. These social metrics.

Now, duration. I think is the last one. This one is more about the extremes, finding the outlier. If a video is three seconds long, it is probably not something that Google, Bing, or Yahoo will want to rank highly. At the same time, if it is something that is multiple hours long, they might want to rank it, but it is probably not what people are going to look for when they are doing video. One of the things about video and content on the Internet in general is that people want to consume it quickly. They like bulleted lists. They like quick pictures, inforgraphic types of things, and they like short videos. I should probably take my own advice and get to the end here. So, I'll try to do that.

The last one we have for you is tactics. I have expressed that there is a huge opportunity here. I have talked about some of the metrics that are important. Now, tactics, the search engines have given you several tools on how to do this. Video sitemaps is, not new, because video sitemaps have existed for a while, but the protocol was recently revamped by the major search engines and the people who are involved with that protocol. They've added a couple of things that are interested. They've added the location of the thumbnail of the video. They've added things like if it is family friendly or not. They've added the URL of where the video is embedded. So, from an SEO perspective, this is really interesting. We don't want links going to YouTube anymore because YouTube has plenty of links. Instead, with the new video sitemap, you can provide the URL of where it is embedded and then when the search engines index that content they'll link back to you. So, it's not so much that you get a link from it per se, but you get the click-through. So, someone clicking on the SERP, clicking that thumbnail, is going to go to your blog, where you embedded the video, rather than to the hosting provider. This is a big win for us SEOs and for us content producers.

The other one is transcriptions. So, what could be easier than just going back and using the old tactics you already have for creating content? With transcriptions, you take video, you take the audio from the video, and you turn it into plain text. This is something that the search engines can then use and interpret just like they do a normal web page. This is important for search engines, but it is also important for human beings as well. People with hearing impairments who can't hear this video right now can then go through and read it. They can understand it that way. International people who are speaking different languages can then go through the content and read at their own pace. They can do whatever tools they need to translate it. It helps spread it more. It is both good for humans and for users, which is a win-win and that's always the situation I try to get when I do SEO.

I recommend that you always try to go for those win-wins, because ultimately what the search engines are doing is chasing after the idea of getting the best information to human beings. I think that's what it really comes down to, crafting your content for human beings. It is harder to do with video SEO, but it is becoming more and more possible to do it.

I appreciate your time today. I will see you next week.

Video transcription by

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