lundi 20 décembre 2021

Safety is always in style

We're not afraid to play it safe.
In fact, we pride ourselves on it. From protecting your personal information to monitoring photos & profiles, Match is constantly working to maximize user safety.

Photo monitoring
Using advanced technology & human moderation, we take steps to enforce our photo guidelines, such as regularly removing pictures that don't meet our standards – including nudity, spam, violence, illegal activity & more.
Profile monitoring
We have zero tolerance for racism, bigotry, hate speech & violence. In addition to auto-flagging such language, we have a team of human moderators dedicated to reviewing & removing offensive or inappropriate content.
Reports reviewed by real people
Every reported issue is reviewed by members of our team, so you can rest assured your voice is heard, & that we are working to take the right steps to solve each concern.
Safety Tips & Community Guidelines
Every user who creates a Match profile is expected to abide by & agree to our Community Guidelines. Additionally, we offer in-depth Safety Tips to help you stay safe from the first message to meeting in person, & everything in between.
Fake profiles & spam prevention
We use proprietary technology & human moderation to assist in identifying & removing spammers, fake profiles & anyone using Match for the wrong reasons.
Phone number verification
You can improve the security of your account through phone number verification. It adds an extra layer of security to help protect your personal information.
Reporting a concern
Stumble across a profile or message that doesn't meet Match standards? In addition to doing our own monitoring, we give users the ability to report any inappropriate user or activity.
If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact Customer Care.

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